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CONCRETE - CONSERVATION CHALLENGES (DOCOMOMO Preservation technology dossier 10) 

CONCRETE - CONSERVATION CHALLENGES (DOCOMOMO Preservation technology dossier 10)
Pris ved 1Stk 260,00 DKK

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Following the 10th International docomomo ISC/Technology seminar on ‘Concrete – Conservation Challenges’ which took place in Wroclaw, Poland, this publication highlights the preservation and reuse of Modernist concrete buildings. Featuring the Centennial Hall in Wroclaw, former brewery U-Turm in Dortmund, concrete housing in the Netherlands, and many more, contributors share documentation on the conservation efforts. Research into concrete and the technology is discussed, while keeping in mind the many applications of the material. This 10th dossier on preservation technology was edited by Jadwiga Urbanik and Ola Wedebrunn, in collaboration with Robert Loader.

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